Access Conciousness

Access Consciousness

  • What if you were willing to nurture and care for you?
  • What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be?
  • What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?
  • What could you add to your life that will make things even better than it currently is?
  • Have you noticed that it is the insane points of view that lock you up? Instead of making yourself wrong for your current situation, what if you could play with it, change it and make it work for you?


You know how touching points on the feet in Reflexology helps release blockages in your whole body? Well, the Bars is gently touching key points on the head that helps you to release blockages and limiting beliefs. Its like hitting the Delete button on your computer and creating more space & ease..

You can learn this easy technique and start helping yourself and others immediately through the ACCESS BARS CLASS, ACCESS FACELIFT or learn various ACCESS BODY PROCESSES which teach you about how to work with specific body disorders.

Check me out here neerja-poddar

To read more on Access Consciousness please visit the sites:

To explore the possibilities and power of Access, watch the following videos: